Bratislava Faith Community is autonomous and financially independent. It is supported by the gifts, tithes, offerings and donations of its members and does not receive any financial support from other Christian organizations. As a registered church in Slovakia, and along with all churches in the country, we receive a small amount from the State as compensation for loss of property and discrimination during the time of Communism.
We encourage our members to give as they are blessed by God in order to support and grow the work of God through our church community. The finances are managed by people elected by the congregation. Feedback about income and expenses is given to the church on month basis as well as a full financial report on an annual basis.
If you desire to support us, you can make a direct deposit into our bank account as follows:
Beneficiary: International Baptist Church Bratislava or “Medzinárodný Baptistický zbor Bratislava”
Bank: Slovenská sporiteľňa
IBAN: SK45 0900 0000 0052 2450 9888
Please indicate your name and nature of the gift (optional).
You can also scan bellow QR code:

If you live in the United States, note that the International Baptist Church Ministries (IBCM) has set up a contribution account for IBCB (Faith Community). Any American may submit donations to IBCM designated for IBC-Bratislava and receive a tax deduction. Please send to: IBCM, P.O. Box 833276, Richardson, TX 75083-3276.
Ukraine Relief:
We as a church are giving towards the needs of Ukrainians, please specify if you would like your giving to go towards this support.
The church is so thankful to those who have given towards the ministry to the Ukrainian relief. This will be an ongoing need for the foreseeable future.